Jeanette Welsh
Jeanette trained as a nurse at the Queen Elizabeth School of Nursing in and worked on a vascular surgery ward before moving to her first A&E post in 1991 at Birmingham General Hospital.
Courtesy of a series of mergers and re-configurations of emergency care she experienced a wide variety of emergency care settings before moving to a Practice Development post in ED at Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley, then moved to Gloucestershire in 2003. Jeanette is currently responsible for the training and development of 300 nursing staff in Unscheduled Care across two DGHs and developing supporting policies, clinical documentation and
competencies. She has worked with several universities as lecturer, subject adviser and module leader.
Since 2010 she has also led Safeguarding in Unscheduled Care and Domestic Abuse Trustwide. She has received local and national recognition for innovative work on managing inter-agency safeguarding information and raising the profile of domestic abuse in acute healthcare settings. She
has gradually been building up expertise around frequent ED attendance and patient management plans for both complex conditions and frequent attendance.
Jeanette has been working with the Faculty of Emergency Nursing (FEN) on their competencies for over 10 years; aligning her staff development work to ensure staff can evidence their knowledge and skills against the national competencies. She joined the FEN Board at the end of 2015. She has written for nursing journals and contributed to textbooks and spoken at several nursing conferences.