FEN Board
The Faculty of Emergency Nursing Board is composed of a team of emergency nurses who volunteers to develop and delilver the Faculty of Emergency Nursing. As a Board, we have a minimum of two representatives from England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Plus we have board representatives from Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care (FPHC), Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) and RCEM ACP Forum.
In response to FEN growing in subscribers and work to deliver on the education programmes and develop the comptencies into qualifications and the requirement to accredit the qualifications we have established sub-boards as per the chart above.
Should you wish to join one of the Boards, please contact us using the form below.
As of November 2023 the current members of the Faculty of Emergency Nursing Board are:
Dr Claire McCarthy, Immediate Past President, Director of Research and Evaluation Finance Board
Emma Edwards, Deputy Chair Education Board, Welsh Representative
Fiona McDaid, Competency Board, Irish Representative
Helen Mcneilly, Northern Ireland Representative
Jeanette Welsh, President, Director of Education. Education Lead, Chair of Education Board, Finance Board
Jon George, FEN Director. Finance Board, Welsh Representative
Judith Morgan. Past President. Director of Competency and Quality Assurance, Chair of Competency Board and Internal Quality Assurance Board (IQAB)
Kayleigh Chainey, Accreditation and Qualifications Consultant, Competency Board, Agored Cymru Centre Lead.
Karen Johnson, Scottish Representative.
Karen Kyle, Competency Board, Paediatric and Northern Ireland Representative.
Nathan Griffiths, President Elect. FEN Director. Competency Board, Paediatric Representative.
Ros Carlile, Deputy Chair Education Board
Ruth Cave, Competency Board, England Representative
Sandra Roberts, Competency Board, Welsh Representative
Andy Thurgood, FPHC Representative
Prof. Frank Coffey, RCEM Representative
Sara Morgan, RCN Emergency Care Forum Representative