Fiona McDaid
I have been an emergency nurse for over 30 years, working in Emergency Departments in the UK and Ireland at staff nurse and clinical nurse manager levels.
My current role is that of Nurse Lead for the National Clinical Care Programme for Emergency Medicine (EMP) this role has a national remit focussing on the implementation of the EMP Model of Care published in 2012 and Emergency Care related projects, most recently the co-chairing the development of the Emergency Medicine Early Warning System (EMEWS) with Mr Fergal Hickey.
I represent emergency nursing on a number of national fora and boards including the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council. I have presented both nationally and internationally on areas of emergency nursing and have co-authored a number of publications.
I will be graduating with the Health Service Leadership Academy Leading Care I Award and the IMI Graduate Award in Executive Healthcare Leadership in early 2019, having recently successfully completed the first Leading Care 1 programme.